John Houseman, played by Daniel Kuhlman, comes into a rehearsal of "Macbeth" by a Black theatre troupe doing a Federal Theatre Project production in 1936. He's one of the company's managers and at the time of this shot in "Voodoo
Macbeth" (USC Cinema / Lightyear Entertainment, 2022) rehearsals had just begun and the production really didn't have a director. It's the story how Orson Welles became involved and why the setting for the show was changed from Scotland to Haiti.
The Warner Grand Theatre in San Pedro is standing in for the
Lafayette Theatre in Harlem. A Warner Bros. back lot facade was used for the theatre
exterior. A large cast is headed by Inger Tudor as the company's starring actress Rose McClendon, Jewell Wilson Bridges as a very young Orson Welles, June
Schreiner as Virgina Welles and Ashli Haynes as Edna, a singer turned actress.
See the Warner Grand pages on the Los Angeles Theatres site for a history of the building and many photos.
On IMDb: "Voodoo Macbeth" | Trailer on YouTube |
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