Monday, October 11, 2021

"The Eternal Question" / "Her Body In Bond"

Some filming for "The Eternal Question" took place at the Majestic Theatre, 845 S. Broadway. In the December 29, 1917 issue of the Dramatic Mirror of Motion Pictures and the Stage (on Google Books) this item appears:

"Mae Murray and company have been photographing interior scenes in the Majestic Theater, Los Angeles, for "The Eternal Question." Miss Murray dropped sixty feet from a broken swing down into the empty house, which wasn't really empty, for a double exposure film will show the audience as it had been but half an hour before Miss Murray made the fall."

An item on page 66 of the January 5, 1918 issue of Moving Picture World reported: 

"Mae Murray dropped more than 60 feet from a broken swing at the Majestic theater, Los Angeles, one night this week. And right over the heads of the audience, too, at least the audience was supposed to be there, but it wasn't. The player was making the drop for one of the scenes of 'The Eternal Question.'"

Thanks to Steve Gerdes for locating the item on Internet Archive.

See the page about the Majestic Theatre on the Los Angeles Theatres site for a history of the legit house. It opened in 1908 and was demolished in 1933. 

Whatever film it was, there was apparently a title change before the release. Or it's been lost and forgotten. It's not listed on IMDb as being among the five films she did in 1918. The assumption is that the film was released as "Her Body In Bond," a backstage drama from Universal released in June 1918. Earlier the film was using "The Eternal Columbine" as a working title.

It played at the Superba Theatre in July 1918 and evidently had an earlier run elsewhere in town. The Superba was operated at the time by Universal's subsidiary Broadway Theatre Company. Mae wasn't happy about her billing in the ads. "Would Protect Her Good Name - Star of 'Her Body in Bond' to File Damage Suit" was an August 5, 1918 L.A. Times article about her complaints. She was supposed to be billed above the title and in the second week's ads her name was down in a corner.

On IMDb: Mae Murray | "Her Body In Bond"

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